Know about Android Technology? and How it work’s?

Know about Android Technology? and How it work’s?


Android Technology describes a Mobile Operating Software(MOS)Based on Linux kernel and Developed by Google open without any modification for smartphones, tablets computers which has touch screen support.

Run the Android OS which develops on a typical version of Linux kernel and other open-source software. It is an open-source operating system and used in most of the smartphones across the world which has made Android among the widely used Operating systems, available because of its feature availability, market validation, wide variety of hardware support. Major Components of Android Technology:

1. Operating System

Kernel: As Android runs on a modified version of the Linux kernel, it provides a privileged level of access to everything else.

Android (Open Source): Android is a open source, so we can modify and distribute the source code under the Apache License. This allows manufacturers to tailor the OS for their hardware.

Android Features: Every new version including security, user interfaces, and features enhancements. Each version named after desserts like Cupcake, KitKat, Marshmallow etc.

2. Development Platform

Programming Languages — Java and Kotlin are mostly used in the development of Android apps. Over the past few years, Kotlin has gained a reputation as a prevalent language, bringing new features and advancements over Java.

Android Studio: The official IDE of Google for Android app development, testing, and debugging

APK (Android Package Kit): An APK file is the format used for distributing and installing applications on Android devices.

3. User Interface (UI)

As well, all Android devices run on different UI which can be vastly changed depending on the manufacturer. Custom ROMs or launchers can allow users to change themes, widgets and even elements of the system.

Material Design: Google’s Android-specific language for design that changes (kind of) in little ways across handhelds, encouraged by things like natural motions, layered layers and eventual shades.

4. Key Components of Android

Activity: Only one screen in an app with GUI.

Service: This is a background task that has no User Interface, It basically runs in the background.

Broadcast Receiver :- Broadcast Receivers are designed to handle broadcast messages from other applications or from the system itself.

Content Provider − It is used to share the structured set of data, which helps provider access tools.

These Are Messaging objects to request for some action from the other app components or even from outside the applications as well.

5. App Store

Google Play Store: The primary means of distributing Android apps. Where users can browse, download and upgrade the apps. All apps on Google Play are reviewed for security and policy compliance.

6. Customization

One of them is that Android lets the users to put into place custom ROMs which are considered as altered version of the Android operating system. The most common are Lineage OS, as you can extend the support period of a device which is no longer getting updates.

The OS is very customizable allowing users to change almost every aspect from the size of app launchers and their placement on the home screen to themes.

7. Security Features

Features like App Permissions, which limit the resources apps it can access (e.g., the camera or contacts), are standard in Android.

They keep issuing security patches and updates that address weaknesses

Google Play Protect – A suite of security features for Android devices that scans apps for malicious behavior and keeps questionable software off your device.

8. Fragmentation

Fragmentation — Android runs on different devices from various manufacturers ( Samsung, Xiaomi, OnePlus and many more ) so it is difficult to provide updates for all of them. As a result of this, difficulties can arise in development to verify the compatibility with all devices and versions.

9. Ecosystem Integration

Android supports many Google services like Google Drive, Google Photos and many more.

It also enables integration with wearable devices, smart home systems, and Internet of Things (IoT) platforms such as Wear OS, and Android Things.

10. Recent Developments

5G and AI: Android 12, Android 13, or the latest editions of Google’s mobile OS aim to provide smarter, faster, more resourceful device performances that rely on 5G networks and artificial intelligence (AI).

Privacy Dashboard: An update in Android 12 will provide users with more insight into what data is being used and make it easier to manage app permissions.

Android in the Future


Android Scaling with Machine Learning, AR, and Io TAS machine learning, augmented reality (AR) and IOT are slowly becoming mature technologies; Android also grows to become a more connected, smarter and secure ecosystem from both developer and user perspective. From foldable phones to smartwatches and Android-powered TVs, the work of Google and others demonstrate that the platform is bloom beyond its roots in mobile.

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Android technology functionality

At a high level, Android technology is based on the integration of the different parts of a layered architecture, which includes components that support applications execution, hardware access and service to users. Android internals: a deep diveIntroduction. A look at Android, from an altitudesLow-level system view so apps interact with all that jazz. Where do we go from here?


1. Android Architecture

Android Architecture consists of Layers and these layers will interact amongst each other. These layers include:

a. Linux Kernel

At a very fundamental level, there is the Linux kernel: this manages all the hardware components — memory, power and input/output functions such as camera, sensors etc. — along with a few core elements like camera drivers, WPA supplicant for Wi-Fi management and process synchronization features that Android uses directly through middleware written in India JNI (Java Native Interface). It’s also what make multi-tasking possible, providing the resources that allow us to run a great number of processes at the samee time, with process management, network communication (routing) and device drivers.

Security: One of the most critical aspects that a Linux kernel provides is security, which helps in isolating COVID-19 apps from each other and avoids accessing prohibited parts of modules.

b. Layer- Hardware Abstraction (HAL)

The Android system interacts with the hardware of your device using some standard interfaces provided by HAL. An interface between the kernel and higher-level system components. For example, HAL is Android graphics that helps your Android devices to communicate with the Camera and GPS hardware as well as in theory audio hardware regarding your specific device implementation.

c. Native Libraries

For instance, Android includes OpenGL for graphics, Web Kit for web browsing and SQLite for database management some of which are mainly written in C or http://CPP.Android utilizes a rich set of third-party libraries as well. It is these libraries that make it possible to do such specialized tasks as rendering 2D and 3D graphics, audio processing, etc.

Well, Android Runtime (ART) is where android apps execute. First is an.Android Runtime (ART), which take the application code, convert it into machine-level instructions for your phone to understand. Each app lives in its own VM (Dalvik or ART), which means they are sandboxed from each other so all of the app process have no opportunity to share any data without the user permission.

d. Android Framework

Android Framework − This provides many predefined classes for Android application development. Application developers can create applications that interact with an Android OS such as. This layer has:

Activity Manager: The Android app component[…]

Content Providers: These provide a standard interface to store and manage data in the application which has a similar structure while protecting it from other apps.

View System :-User Interface Elements -Buttons, text fields, layouts.

Notification Manager — Manages how applications show notifications.

Location Manager : This will help us to access the location services such as GPS and so on.

Package Manager: This holds the list of apps you have installed and with what permissions.

e. Applications

At the top is the layer where all Android apps run. The apps, generally written in Java or Kotlin (or sometimes C/C++ for certain other places) interact with the adjunct system using the Android API framework.

Every app is sandboxed so it executes independently in a container from other apps due to security concerns. Apps can talk to other apps or potentially access private data such as contacts or location, but only with the consent of the user.

2. Building Your Own Android Doc part 3: Key parts of how Android works.

a. Activity and Activity Lifecycle

An activity represents a single screen in UI as a login page, setting or main content view. An activity is a basic building block in Android, and as such it has a lifecycle (Created, Started, Resumed, Paused, Stopped, Destroyed).

Android itself takes care of these states in order to use resources efficiently like memory, battery. A controversial thing to name because e.g. an app is paused (saving battery life when it goes to background) but a started over just picks up where it left off

b. Intent System

Intents are the messages making runtime interaction between components of the Android system. Apps can use this access to directly invoke the other components for example to launch an activity, broadcast a message or start a service.

For example, if you want to share a photo your app can send an Intent and Android will show you a list of apps which can handle the share action(i.e., Social media or email etc).

c. Services

Android Services provide a way for apps to do work in the background like playing music, downloading files etc. Service is the component that runs independently of its user interface, which means if you switch to another app, the service continues running with a foreground notification.

d. Broadcast Receivers

Broadcast Receivers that listens for system-wide broadcasts or messages from other apps. For example an app may register to get notified when the device connects to wifi or if the battery level is below a threshold. This makes it easier for apps to consume these events in response and not having to be running all the time, akin our event system.

e. Content Providers

Content Providers: which identify the data stored on the device, and manage access to it. Things like contacts, photos, videos or calendars. Content Providers (Apps can use this to share data with other apps, in a controlled manner.)

3. Application Workflow

In short, we can describe running an Android app as the following animation:


When you download and install an app from the Google Play Store (or any other source), what you are downloading is an APK file which stands for Android Package Kit. The apps are installed on the device via Package Manager.


When a user open an app then the Activity Manager starts to load that particular app User Interface and main activity ( 1st scrren which is displayed in front of user).


This is the part where the Android Runtime (ART) starts to execute your app code. ART — This converts the bytecode of the app into machine-level instructions that can be executed directly by a mobile or computer.

Apps can also access to system services, such as sensors (e.g., accelerometers and GPS), cameras, audio recorders and players through the Android framework APIs.


Android is multitasking, and more applications can be performed simultaneously. The ActivityManager manages app transitions, while the MemoryManager will kick unused apps out of memory to save on resources.

Inter-process communication between those applications

Apps can interact with each other via Intents, Content Providers or sharing data explicitly (for example, using file transfer and cloud synchronization).

Background Work:

If the app needs to execute tasks when it is not in focus (downloading a file or receiving notifications), Services or background threads may be used to accomplish this.

4. Security Model

Android apps are sandboxed and run under their own user ID, with no way to access directly access another app’s data.

Permission: The apps have to request permission for them (if) at runtime (eg Camera or Check Permission).

Google Play Protect (anti-malware) has the device scanned on a regular basis for malware, which makes it secure.

5. Android Ecosystem

Android lives in a larger ecosystem that touches on:

Google Services: Cloud-based offerings like Google Drive, Photos, and Assistant to integrate with.

Android has expanded into wearables and the IoT, plus TV: Android is now more than just a smartphone operating system; it also powers smartwatches (Wear OS), smart TVs (Android TV), and Internet of Things devices (Android Things).

Altogether, they combine to create Android, an open-source platform that powers devices around the world.

Perks of Android Technology

With numerous benefits to enjoy its no wonder Android technology soon became one of the most preferred platforms throughout the world. A few of the key benefits:

1. Open-Source Nature

Customization: Android is an open-source operating system, so other manufacturers and developers or even a normal user can do the customization on their level. That flexibility translates to a variety of devices and equally unique user experiences.

Open Source: As Android is an open-source platform, various developers from the globe keep contributing to help enhance the features, security and performance aspect as always.

2. Wide Range of Devices

Diversity in Hardware: Android is supported by myriad devices, low-cost smartphones to premium flagship phones run Android. This is the reason why Android is possible to get it into a billion users worldwide, with all sort of devices from entry-level to high-end.

Wide Form Factors: Android is everywhere, used ubiquitously across smartphones, tablets, smart TVs, wearables and cars (Android Auto) even as far as in smart home devices.

3. Customization Options

User Customization – For their devices to be fully customized, Android gives the users more room. Android lets you make changes from the very home screen layout, widgets, icons, launchers to making changes inside the deep system-level through custom ROMs (like Lineage OS) and much more.

App Integration: Users can replace system-wide functions such as the keyboard or launcher in addition to default apps like the phone dialer, messaging app, etc. giving users more control of their experience on their device.

4. Google Ecosystem Integration

Google Services: Android plays nice with the rest of Google’s household, including Gmail, Drive, Maps, Photos and Assistant. All of this offers a unified user experience for people who already use other Google services.

Android — data, contacts, apps, and settings are all automatically backed up to Google Drive when you change devices.

5. Large App Ecosystem

Android has one of the largest app stores for Android users, Google Play Store, which boasts around millions apps from different categories such as productivity tools to games & utilities.

This side-loading feature gives users more choices in apps as they can install apps that are not present in the Play Store, which is very common because of the power Google holds over other developers.

6. Multitasking and Flexibility

On some Android devices, you can run two applications side-by-side using split screen mode or Picture-in-Picture (PiP) overlay that plays video in a floating window on your phone screen.

Background Services: Android also supports native background service to run processes (such as music streaming, downloads, or health tracking services) when the application is not actively running on screen.

7. Price and Availability

Cheap Devices — Android being a versatile OS that runs on phones from all around the world, is available on devices of several different price range too, thus making it an option for anyone who can afford something better than their feature phone in developing countries or just anywhere or go to have fun with Pebbles at… any cost.

Extensive distribution: Android is available for programming in several languages and easily adaptable to difference in networks and regions which has made it a preferred choice for smartphones both in developed and emerging markets.

8. Continuous Innovation

Regular Updates: Google releases periodic updates to Android, introducing new features and improving the overall user experience and its security as consumers. Ongoing innovation with new features: Dark mode, gesture navigation, privacy controls.

Next-Gen Technologies: Android has seen first exposure and support for early 5G implementations, foldable displays, AI, AR and machine learning about these our lates blogs. Google has also included Google Lens in the updated release of its platform, fitting it into an integrated tapestry with Google Assistant as part of Androids AI-driven functionality.

9. Third Party Service Integration

Integration: Android features extensive 3rd-party services integration (including Google and Amazon Alexa, as well as Microsoft Office, Facebook) This results in the ability for users to integrate different apps and services into their workflows without being siloed into one path.

Anything on Anywhere: Android becomes more flexible compared to other standing applications which are quite unimaginable. Other good features to check out are its support for Microsoft’s OneDrive, a Dropbox-like service from the OS maker for saving files in the cloud and Sahi of course works great along with Apple services like music streaming Apple Music.Liked my search?

10. Advanced Security Features

Google Play Protect automatically helps to keep your app safe by scanning your app for malware or harmful behaviors.

Android 6.0 — Marshmallow Granular Permissions: Google has different resources such location, contacts, or camera in the form of APIs which have no built-in security model itself.

Biometric Security: Android provides security features such as fingerprint scanning, facial recognition, and pattern locks for device security.

11. Enterprise Features

Work Profiles: Android provides enterprise-grade management with features such as work profiles, which let employees separate their work and personal data on the same device.

Android Enterprise — This program allows companies to easily manage, configure and secure Android devices for work use, including remote device management and the ability to set app restrictions.

12. Accessible Features In Shapes

Accessibility Tools: Android offers a variety of accessibility tools, which provides both voice commands and screen readers as well as gesture controls to ensure that people with disabilities can benefit from their device.

Live Caption: A first for the mobile deaf / hard of hearing community, Android will generate captions directly on your device in real-time to play alongside video or tablet media playing on your phone.


13. Strong Developer Community

Availability of developer tools — Android provides such an elaborate set of tools and support for developers through its studio notably named as Android Studio which makes building, testing and deploying apps much fruitful. The large and active developer community keeps the platform sharp & modernized continuously.

Ubiquitous App Delivery: Developers can distribute apps on different platforms besides Google Store by making them integral to the Android system.



Open Source Nature Obviously, one of the biggest benefits to choosing Android over iOS is its open source nature. The platform’s extensive device compatibility, progressive improvements, and customizability have helped it become one of the most versatile and popular options in the world today. Android has a huge lead as an operating system for mobile app development, because it offers a large platform to develop on, lots of points in its favor, and freedom of customization unlike most other OSes!

Future of Android technology

Looking ahead, trends will only become more prevalent in the evolution of Android technology as developments continue to occur within artificial intelligence, machine learning, 5G and more importantly augmented reality (AR) and Internet of Things (IoT). Over time, as Android continues to evolve, there are a few things that should play into the way it grows and develops.

1. AI & Machine Learning

Integrate AI: While it seems to be a rather small feature, personal experiences are likely to be experienced in Android in a way that has not been seen before. As we already mentioned, AI is present in many areas of Android, from Google Assistant to predictive user features and even Google Lens. This will also likely lead to smarter app suggestions and other automated routines throughout Android, with context-aware actions and the like.

On-Device machine learning: On-device AI will continue to rise, as security is always the top priority of every developer. Complex machine learning tasks, such as voice recognition or image classification, are executed directly on the device locally and none of the data is sent out to a cloud.

User Experience: AI will power personalized experience by observing and learning how the user uses different apps, notification preferences, and system settings.

2. 5G and Enhanced Connectivity

5G-Ready Applications: As 5G gains traction, Android will have more applications developed to leverage increased internet speeds and simultaneously lower latencies. This will allow for video streaming in ultra-HD quality, cloud gaming, real time AR/VR experiences and real-time data processing.

Edge Computing: 5G will also yield a proliferation in edge computing which means data is processed at the source (whether that be the device itself, or perhaps with a server close by), lessening latency. It could help with things like faster real-time translation, remote control of IoT devices or connected car systems.

3. Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR)  but they are far from a common sight in the industry.

More about AR Core: The Google platform for adding AR abilities to Android devices will probably be evolved further. That means we could be in for much more immersive AR experiences on future Android devices, whether it comes to gaming, shopping, learning or professional use cases like remote collaboration or virtual training.

Wearable and VR Devices: Android may power important roles in wearables such as smart glasses and VR headsets. Rather, it should enable users to experience mixed reality environments in a more cohesive manner between the physical and digital worlds, particularly as sensor technology and machine vision continue to improve.

4. Flexible Foldable Displays

Foldable Phones- Android will be optimized make use of new screen ratios and tech in folding displays as more devices with that feature come to the market. This will make app support better for split-screen multi-tasking, dynamic resizing and use-cases in which a device is going from a phone into the shape of tablet.

Rollable, Stretchable Displays: There’s no reason Android couldn’t evolve to support rollable or stretchable displays (if and when they become a thing), allowing for new ways for users to manipulate their devices. In this regard, screens could be adjusted in terms of size or shape according to the required function at the moment.

5. Privacy and Security Improvements

Data Privacy Controls: With privacy being a key concern, Android will extend privacy features such as more protection in control over application access to information or big data dashboards, added detail within the dashboard for privacy consumption and on-device machine learning processing to further aid advances in applying less reliance on data serving cloud services. Powered by a new privacy model, Google will still ultimately focus on providing user data control, offering more transparency to users about how their data is being collected and used.

Zero-Trust Security Models: Android might adopt more aggressive security models and move towards zero-trust architectures where devices and apps must always authenticate themselves before being allowed to touch the system.

6. IoT Integration

Android Things: Android’s IoT integration will extend through platforms like Android Things, which is meant for connected devices, smart home systems, and industrial automation. The integration bridge between the Android smartphone and various types of IoT devices will lead to a singular ecosystem that people can easily use to control from home appliances to smart cars.

Smart Homes. Google Home and the Nest products ensure that Android is a major player in the smart home field. More developments are expected to lead to a better connection of Android phones and a broader range of IoT devices for easier environment control and automation.

Wearable devices: the evolution of Android-powered wearables like smartwatches and fitness trackers will continue with better health-monitoring tools like blood glucose and sleep analysis systems and more connectivity between all ecosystem devices.

7. Android in Automobiles

Android Automotive OS”: android automotive OS will become more popular, providing a comprehensive system for in-car navigation, entertainment, and connectivity. This platform will see more car manufacturers running vehicle control systems hands-free with voice-controlled assistance and including third-party and custom apps.

Connected cars”: 5G and V2X communications will allow cars with Android Automotive OS to communicate with other cars, traffic systems, and city networks. This promises additional safety and an understanding of autonomous driving, as it will be easier to drive.

8. Enhanced Multi-Tasking and Productivity

Tablet and Foldable Devices Multi-tasking”: Android is expected to continue integrating with tablets and foldable devices integrating various multitasking features. These include multi-window, drag-and-drop, and a more computer-like environment interface enhance productivity for professionals.

Unified Apps : Android may transform to encourage app unification, universal binaries that are able run on phones, tablets, desktops and possibly even smart TVs without modification — a welcome development would be the consistency of user experience.

9. Desktop-replacement Android

Desktop Mode: Android in the future could include more desktop-like functionality, moving towards what Samsung DeX is doing now. With Android being able to act like a full computer when connected to external monitor’s and keyboard’s, this could make modern Android devices ideal for more than just media consumption.

Hybrid Devices: In the future, Android might be used as an OS for hybrid devices which can use a tablet or doble como nodo device and a notebook thanks to his mobility like in mobile OS but with the tools given by desktop environment.

10. Energy Efficiency and Sustainability

Green Features: As sustainability becomes more important and demanded, so will new features in future Android updates to meet this criterion as lowering energy consumption and improving battery life for devices will follow suit. This could include more sustainable power management algorithms, displays that save energy, and green charging solutions.

And generally, Android OEMs might just focus on creating more recyclable devices to help the world cut down electronic waste.

11. Developer Tools and Ecosystem

Kotlin and New Languages: Kotlin is now the recommended language to develop on Android, and it will become even better, helping to make development faster and more efficient. Android could also unveil new languages or frameworks that make app development more straightforward for AI and machine learning applications.

Cross-Platform Development: With app ecosystems beginning to become more connected, Android may additionally grow its help for go-platform improvement frameworks like Flutter (also advanced by using Google), permitting builders to create apps that run on Android, iOS, and web structures pretty seamlessly.

12. Worldwide adoption and cost-friendly to all

Inexpensive Devices: Android will remain the operating system for low cost smartphones targeting developing countries. Google’s efforts are going to be making the overall user experience as smooth as possible for devices with limited hardware, like what it did for low-end devices with Android Go.

Digital Inclusion: As the Internet expands to reach more people in developing regions, Android will play a vital part in ensuring that smartphones—either through affordable devices for purchase or intro-level devices for purchase or even rent—are provided to assist new smartphone users here and other places become connected online within may enter them into the worldwide digital economy.


As Android heads towards the future, keeping pace with new hardware and delivering next-gen connectivity, how it balances user privacy and security along that path will quite possibly be its equal legacy. Android’s openness, flexibility, and cooperation with the latest technologies such as AI, 5G, IoT or AR/VR will constantly inspire further development of technologies within itself to be implemented in an unlimited number of devices regardless if it is a smartphone, smart home or even automotive categories.

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I’m Sujeet Kumar a dedicated BCA graduate. My passion is coding and ,Blogging. Drawing on my technical background and profound grasp of economic principles, I aim to simplify complex topics like tech, Insurance and Loans, providing the informative knowledge.

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